Monday, August 07, 2006

What makes me happy...

The other day I was in a sad mood, feeling sorry for myself. I had talked to a friend on the phone earlier, and was in a good mood, and then I just started feeling down. You know, the usual, I'm getting old (the grandma thing), my kids are leaving home. So I called this friend up again, because I knew that friends can make things all better. And I felt better! So today, I was reading an article in a magazine about making a list of 100 things we like. And I thought to myself, I should make a list of 100 things that make me happy, so when I get feeling down again, I can look at it, and realize that there are so many things out there that bring me joy. Especially friends who don't mind when you call them for no particular reason.

100 Things That Make Me HAPPY!
1. Words
2. Dark Chocolate
3. Cheese
4. Freshly washed sheets
5. Clean hair
6. Grand pianos
7. Baskets
8. Magazines
9. Giggling children
10. Laughing out loud
11. A clean kitchen
12. Cameras
13. A Thesaurus
14. Photographs
15. Office and school supplies
16. Sunsets
17. Juicy pens
18. Inspiration
19. Wise and witty quotes
20. Friends
21. Target
22. Scrapbooking
23. Fresh squeezed Lemonade
24. Ice cubes
25. Adventures
26. Travel
27. Europe
28. Drinking out of a Glass (not plastic)
29. Sunflower fields
30. Impressionist Art
31. Old building
32. Cool looking doors and windows
33. Gelato
34. Sleeping in
35. Lists
36. My laptop
37. My flute
38. Mahler’s 6th Symphony
39. Instant Messaging
40. Fonts
41. Christmas Lights
42. Post it notes
43. Oreos and milk
44. People watching
45. Tall snowcapped mountains
46. Green rolling hills
47. Geodes
48. Billy Joel
49. Almond scented anything
50. Books
51. Libraries
52. Bookstores
53. Going out to eat
54. Textured cardstock
55. Desktop publishing
56. Good designs
57. Paisley
58. Flower gardens
59. Fresh cut tulips
60. Exploring old European towns
61. Train travel
62. Bed and breakfasts
63. 5 star hotels
64. Lucky Charms cereal
65. Fresh strawberries
66. Homemade blueberry jam
67. Sunglasses
68. Happy children
69. Peaceful moments
70. New fallen snow
71. Warm rain
72. The color Blue
73. Beaches
74. The sound of crashing waves
75. Learning
76. Teaching
77. Pillows
78. Fun jewelry
79. Winter Scarves
80. Fresh tomatoes
81. Corn on the cob
82. Steamed crab legs
83. Air conditioning
84. Paper
85. Christmas
86. Weddings
87. Love songs
88. Connecting with someone
89. Mail
90. A good haircut
91. Sharp knives
92. Painted toenails
93. Finishing a project
94. Performing well in a concert
95. Juicy, sweet oranges
96. Someone smiling at me
97. Feeling the spirit
98. Writing
99. Comments on my blog
100. A phone call from a friend!


At 8/08/2006 6:12 PM, Blogger Obliviocelot said...

Number 99 is comments on your blog, so here's a comment. You said "giggling children" and "happy children". Are they the same thing? Anyway, I think making a list like that is a great idea. Kudos!

At 8/11/2006 5:41 PM, Blogger word sneezer said...

No, there is a difference, at least in my warped brain.

Giggling children: Little children giggling out loud

Happy children: my children, teenagers and young adults, who are happy, peaceful and not sad.

At 8/13/2006 12:35 AM, Blogger Obliviocelot said...

Ah. Got it! I forget what a loose term the word "child" can be.

At 9/01/2006 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are certainly one strange and wonderful woman.

At 9/01/2006 4:24 PM, Blogger word sneezer said...

I will take that as a compliment. Even from an anonymous poster.


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