Sunday, May 20, 2007

Songs and other thoughts

I was thinking the other day how much I like songs. I like lots of music from classical to the blues. But a song with words that touch me, well, I like that. I guess it's the communicating of a message, a connection with a certain emotion that gets me. Or maybe it's just that I'm a sappy sentimental gal.

My new favorite song is "Chasing Cars". My favorite line is "and just forget the world". Sometimes I just want to lie somewhere and forget everything. Lie on a beach and forget the world, lie under the stars and forget the world. Going to school and filling your brains and then emptying them on exams takes a lot out of you and you just want to do nothing when it's all done. I had forgotten how much exams did that to you.

Speaking of the beach, I'll be going there soon. The beach is calling me... the waves are beckoning me to come and listen and play and do nothing and hopefully not get a sunburn!

Man of La Mancha is over and what a fun gig it was! Next on my list is Twickenham Winds. We have several rehearsals this week, and then the concert on Memorial Day at Huntsville High. My life certainly hasn't been boring in 2007! There's always something going on.


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