Monday, May 19, 2008


May is my favorite month.

I was recently visiting some band director friends of mine, and one of them was in a sour mood.

Me: "School's almost out! How can you be so down?"

Him: "Don't you know I hate this time of year?"

Me: "I love the month of May. It has Mother's Day and my birthday, so I get showered with gifts. There are flowers blooming, everything's green, the weather is perfect, well, except for today. Today is a gloomy, drizzling rainy day."

Him: "School ISN'T out yet, I'm sick of it. There are middle school auditions at three different schools. Leadership and colorguard stuff after school everyday, District meetings, budget meetings, calendaring meetings, I'm sick of it."

Me: "I still love this month, but then I'm DONE with school, I have no meetings to attend and can go and do as I please."

Him: --gives me an evil look--

I do love the month of May. I found a cool quote about May:
It was one of those beautiful, lengthening days,
when May was pressing back with both hands the
shades of the morning and the evening.
--Amelia E. Barr (1886)

I love how the days get longer, the temperature gets warmer during the day, but you still need a sweater for the cooler evenings. I just love this month. Right now the sky is blue and the temp is perfect. I should be outside somewhere in a comfy chair and a good book.

But alas, I can't always do as I please in the month of May. I have to teach lessons today. But tomorrow... tomorrow I will go visit my granddaughter and have fun for three days. Nothing but fun. Unless I have to change a poopy diaper... that's not too fun.


At 5/19/2008 2:56 PM, Blogger Becca said...

But wouldn't a poopy diaper be worth it? ;)

At 5/22/2008 8:42 AM, Blogger Devri said...

I'm with you, I love this month, but then again, I contemplate, kids in school or 7 kids at home, hmmmm wich do I choose...:}


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