Thursday, June 05, 2008

why say that when you can this

It has been well established on the blog that I like to read, that I like certain quotes that speak to me and that I like words. I am alone for a couple of days while the boys are on a church trip, and guess what I chosen to do? Clean my house? NOOoooo. READ. Guiltless, don't have to be anywhere, can stay at home in my pj's if I darn well want to, and read.

In reading, I've decided to make a list of the words I come across that I just like. Maybe to the readers here they won't be as satisfying because they are just words taken completely out of context, but nonetheless, here they are:

engulfed- why use overwhelm when you can use engulfed?
linger- why use stay when you can use linger?
elusive- why use slippery when you can use elusive?
smoldering- why say sexy eyes when you can say smoldering eyes? **
drift- instead of falling away
incite- instead of provoke
ambivalence- instead of doesn't care
entrenched- instead of ingrained
fluctuating- instead of wavering
endeavor- instead of want
disuade- change

Okay, I admit it. I'm reading Shakespeare and then some other non-fiction books. And I'll stop now, because if I read as much as I'm wanting to for the next 48 hours, this list will be way to long to keep any of my readers attention. Well, maybe not Kristen's. ;-)


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