Thursday, August 16, 2007

*Walking* Pneumonia

If you wonder, and I'm sure all three of my readers do, why I haven't written in over a week, it's because I've been out of it. I was diagnosed with *walking* pneumonia. That's a misnomer if I've ever heard one!

Supposedly it's called that because, unlike the more serious pneumonia that is life threatening and usually lands you in the hospital, walking pneumnia is something you can have and still lead a regular life. Some people don't even realize they have it. Unfortunately for me, I had a more serious walking pneumonia. I certainly knew I had it... I ran a fever everyday for two and a half weeks, had trouble breathing deeply, and had a bothersome cough. My breathing was shallow and I was worn out.

After the first week of this, I went to the doctor. He gave me a Zpack prescription, told me to lay low for a while and sent me to get a chest x-ray.

I'd like to say I'm back to normal... I'm not. I still cough. But I can play my flute again. Finally. That was the worst part. School starts in four days. I'm a flute performance major who hasn't been able to practice and I'm a little behind now. Okay, a lot behind now. With all the traveling I did this summer I didn't get much practicing in. And then I got sick. I know. Excuses. Do I need a note from my doctor? Yeah, right. "Patient had walking pneumonia." If you can walk, you can play a flute! Maybe I should rename it *walking but not able to take in a deep enough breath to play longer than an eighth note* pneumonia.


At 8/16/2007 1:46 PM, Blogger Becca said...

Yeah, you can't play if you can't breathe!


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