Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Midnight Photo session

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night and realize there was something you forgot to do?

That happened to me last night. I went to bed early, and about midnight I woke up. I realized I hadn't taken any halloween photos. Every year on Halloween for the past 24 years I've taken photos... of the kids in costume and of the newly carved jack-o-lantern. This is the first year I didn't have a kid go trick or treating. Josh just wasn't into it, so he handed out the candy. We had carved the pumpkin with a funny design that I had seen online. (It looked like it was throwing up it's innards.) But I didn't take a picture of it.

So at midnight as I was lying there willing myself to fall back asleep, the thought kept running through my mind... "you didn't take a photo of the pumpkin!" So what does a good scrapbooker/photographer do? She gets up at midnight hoping that some neighborhood teenager hasn't been in a smashing pumpkins mode, unlocks the front door, and with camera in hand tiptoes outside barefoot and takes several shots of the pumpkin in all it's throw up glory.


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