Monday, October 02, 2006

Waiting for Inspiration

We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing.
Action always generates inspiration.
Inspiration seldom generates action.
Frank Tibolt

For the past month I've been blogging everyday. The purpose of it was to make a cool scrapbook based on a month of my life. I got the idea out of a fun scrapbooking book called "The Big Picture" by Stacy Julian.

Last night I realized I didn't have to blog at the end of the day! I could blog whenever I wanted. And I didn't have to post a photo like I challenged myself in September. I'd been waiting until the last thing at night to blog, so I could record everything (okay, not even close to everything) that happened that day. But the lesson I learned from that is that sometimes it's hard when you force yourself to blog at a certain time everyday. It's easier when you feel inspired to write something. But, like the quote says, sometimes just forcing yourself to write makes you see things that happened, and gives you inspiration.

Now, back to our regularly programed random thoughts.

Did you hear they officially found the missing "a"? Yes, Neil Armstrong really did say "one small step for 'a' man, one giant leap for mankind", appeasing all grammar sticklers everywhere.

I guess since I'm still immersed in this whole Grandmother thing, I can't blog without mentioning baby Lindsay. AND posting some more pictures.

Yesterday we did a sort of amateur photo shoot. I took 146 photos of various poses of baby and family. I think about 20 of them turned out cute. The winning one will end up on the baby announcement. Here's one pose I liked:The other day I saw a commercial on TV for CiCi's pizza. It's message was basically your kid can have whatever he wants there, even if it is macaroni and cheese topped pizza or 6 different soda's mixed together. It made me wonder why we did stuff like that as kids, why we mixed those "suicide" sodas. It made me think of all the stupid things I did as a kid, mostly thanks to having a brother who was just one year older than me and dared me to do these things. The worst I think was when we dared each other to go without novacaine when we went to the dentist. Stupid!

So did anybody reading this blog ever do something really stupid because they were dared? Leave a comment about it, I double dog dare you!


At 10/03/2006 4:43 PM, Blogger Kiki said...

Actually, Mom, I can totally be in the second singles ward movie.


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