Sunday, October 15, 2006

Southern Moment

Today at church I was holding my new grandbaby and somebody came up to me wondering who the baby was.

I said "It's my granddaughter! I'm a new grandma!"

And she said "wait until you are a great grandmother. I have 10 great grandchildren with two more on the on the way. Anna and Kiam are expecting."

I knew who Anna was, but for the life of me could not place one of her grandchildren named Kiam. I thought it was a different name, but I know a Kian, so it is a viable name. And I thought maybe this was a new granddaughter in law that I haven't met.

So I asked "Kiam? Who's Kiam married to?"

And here's where the southern moment came.

"Kiam, you know, Chris's wife?"

Oh. Kim.

(BTW- Happy Birthday to Becca!)


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