Friday, November 18, 2005

Jacqui Needs... a fun game

Okay, this is pretty funny. I read about this "____" needs... game on another blog. You type in your name and the word "needs" in Google. So I typed in "Jacqui Needs" with the quotes. Then you list the top ten things that come up. Here are mine.

Jacqui needs to open her mouth and sing, no marketing needed. (okay, maybe this one isn't true!)
Jacqui needs to ensure that she has saved enough during the first twenty years. (yep! Saving is always good.)
Jacqui needs more bread. (Definitely. The green kind always comes in handy.)
Jacqui needs a group shot. (of my family for the Christmas letter)
Jacqui needs eye drops to help her vision. (that would be nice... no more contacts!)
Jacqui needs a visa to enter Bolivia. (huh? Maybe someday I'll visit there!)
Jacqui needs to take her mom home. (She's already there, she's the sunshine in my hair, she's the shadow on the ground, she's the whisper in the wind... get the idea?)
Jacqui needs space. Lots of it. (Oh, yeah baby. I need my space!)
Jacqui needs to look fresh and natural. (Instead of frumpy and a wannabe?)
Jacqui needs to hire another couple of people just to keep up. (So true. Wouldn't that be nice?)

What's funny is that besides most of these having a lot of truth to them, there is actually another Jacqui out there who posted a similar list on her blog!

Your turn now... post them on your blog!


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