Friday, September 15, 2006

Halfway through September

The month is half over, Rebecca is due in twelve days, and Christmas is in 100 days.
For the past 6 weeks I have been taking part in a fitness challenge at the YMCA. And I COMPLETED IT!!! Hooray for me! Everytime I worked out I got a sticker. (Every year the challenge has a theme, and this year it was based on the "Deal or No Deal" show. Thus the $ stickers.) It's funny that the guy above me is Steve Fisher because I have a friend from Twickenham Winds named Steve Fischer. Not the same guy though. I've been going to the gym at least three times a week. That's over 36 miles I've walked, and over 120,000 (YES!) pounds that I've lifted. I've only lost about 5 pounds since I started this challenge, but I've gained consistency in going to workout. And I get a free tee shirt!

Yes, I lift 70, actually 75 pounds on this one. I have a strong back.
I love getting this "End of Circuit" message. It means I'M DONE LIFTING WEIGHTS!In other news, I was reminded of my daughter Kristen with an article in our local paper. Garrison Keillor came to town for our public library fundraiser. This is what he said about libraries: "This place you get to think your own thoughts is where you fall in love with the English language."

He also said something that validated my reasons for writing this little blog o' mine: "We've become a people of opinions, which we repeat from what we've heard and read," Keillor said. "But we're shy about telling stories about our lives. It's nobody's fault. It's just how it happened."

I got my hair cut today. It's probably the shortest I have ever had it cut. Evah. No pictures today. Maybe tomorrow I will be brave enough to post pictures.

I finished a project I was working on today. It's my day of accomplishments. Now I still have three more projects started that I need to finish. One before Christmas, one by October 20th, and one before the baby is born!

Wish for my daughter: That she doesn't have a baby as big as the baby in this article.

Food of the day:
Little Caesar's $5 cheese pizza

Word of the day:
erudite \AIR-yuh-dyt; -uh-dyt\, adjective:
Characterized by extensive reading or knowledge; learned. (As in my erudite daughter the librarian)

Thing I'm glad I own: my new pink lipstick. Yeah, I know. I'm wierd. And maybe a little vain?

How I feel today: Proud. Proud to be able to see something through.


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