Friday, December 16, 2005

Nine days...

Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping,
Into the future...

Days keep on slipping, slipping, slipping...

Just nine days. It's all becoming a big blur. So much to do.

The shopping is basically done (got to get Dad something!) But the boys keep adding things to their lists:
Joshua: Did I tell you that I wanted Battlefield 2 for Christmas?
Bryan: Battlefront 2?
Joshua: No, Battlefield 2.
Bryan: That's the one with the army guys.
Joshua: I know.
Me: It's not the Star Wars one.
Joshua: I know.
Me: Too late. I already bought all your presents. Now I get to start taking away when you misbehave! (Insert evil mother grin here.)

You're getting what you're gettin'. And only then if you're lucky!

My List for Today:
*Write in blog (check)
*Go to the bank to deposit flute checks (check, and my check from the middle school clinics I did finally came in!)
*Return item to Walmart (check)
*Get hair cut (check)
*Sams Club (check)
*Get boys to wrap their presents (Josh did almost all his, Bryan started on it)
*Find MIL present (check, whew! I bought it a couple of months ago and couldn't figure out where I stuck it. I do that every year with one present. That's what I get for doing my shopping early!)
*Hide certain presents because certain people are coming over this weekend. (One came in the mail or ups or something and I can't believe they dropped it off late at night, didn't ring the doorbell, and so the package stayed outside all night IN THE RAIN! Thankfully they wrapped it in plastic. WHY COULDN'T THEY RING THE DARN DOORBELL? We were home. Enough ranting.)
*Bake Pumpkin Bread. (check, smells yummy.)
*Print out Christmas Letter (printed out 25 so far. Printer is acting funny-- keeps losing connections. Now I'm out of black ink. There's always something.)
*Address envelopes and sign cards. (Still no. Cowering in embarrassment.)
*Vacuum, mop, dust house and clean bathrooms for company that's coming tomorrow. (Umm, no. That's what tomorrow is for!)

I'm excited to have the family over. We're expecting 19. We're having shrimp cocktail, salmon roulade, a veggie tray, relish tray, cheese and crackers for starters. Then we'll have Honey Baked Ham, Rolls, hash brown casserole, green beans, fruit salad, artichoke heart dressing on salad greens, aforemention pumpkin bread and other yummies for dessert.

I just need to remember to wrap MIL's present tomorrow!


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