Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Back to School!

Usually you see that phrase around in August and September, but for me it applies in January. I'm back in school after a 25 year break.

My first day was a little nervewracking. I had feelings of nervous excitement and apprehension.

I left the house 40 minutes before class started, and got there about 20 minutes later. But there was no where to park. I mean no where. People where parking on the curbs. I was warned not to do that. After driving around a bit waiting in vain for someone to leave I decided to go to a diferent parking lot. I drove all the way to the back and found a spot. Hurray! But then I had to book it in to class.

I had been encouraged by the fact that UAH has quite a few "non-traditional" (read: older) students. But as I walked into class I realized that none of them were in this class: A bunch of Freshmen. I felt very out of place. It is a 100 level general ed class called "Theatre Appreciation", so I expected a lot of young kids. I didn't expect to be the only one over the age of 20 though.

I did sit in the front row, the only one at first. I greeted the teacher. I'm such a suck-up. When he asked if anyone had any theatre experience, I was the first to raise my hand. I think I made a good impression. The teacher asked later if I might be interested in helping with one of their plays. For extra credit, to boot.

It should be a fairly easy class, except for the part on the last two days of class when I will have to ACT in a two minute excert from a play we'll be studying. I don't ACT. That's why I do make-up. Behind the stage. That's my place.

School Part 2.

Later that day I drove back out to school. I had to come home to teach a flute lesson. I'm working on changing that one. Parking was easier at 3:45 in the afternoon. I went in to the Wind Ensemble Class. The flutes were all sitting in their chairs from the last semester I presume, so I just sat in the last chair. I've never in my life sat last chair. Luckily, some student came in late and had to sit below me. There were two more flutes there than expected. I don't really care about chair order, as long as I'm not LAST! He said he would have chair placement auditions, but then he said he wasn't sure what he was going to do, but would I play picc on the trombone concerto? Sure. Whatever. I'm easy.

The music wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. So I think I'll be okay.

And there were old people, I mean "non traditional" students in Wind Ensemble!


At 1/10/2007 3:24 PM, Blogger Becca said...

You're so brave for going back to school. You're going to have a lot of fun.

At 1/27/2007 1:52 PM, Blogger Conrad Deitrick said...

One nice thing about Law School is that there's a bigger age-range. Same with community college. I was generally unhappy being at a large university. Even when I was only a few years older, my lifestyle was so different (married, basically responsible, not into the party scene, and I don't have Daddy's credit card) that I felt like the oddest duck around.

I never felt that way at Community College where there was more real diversity of life situations. The university I finally wound up graduating from was a 3rd- and 4th-year thing that drew on CC students, and I was much happier there than at the regular 4-year school.

I also think you find more non-traditional students in the upper division classes (especially the 400/4000 level ones that bleed over into graduate programs).


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