Sunday, January 21, 2007


The word of the day: Empathy

em·pa·thy (ěm'pə-thē) n. Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives.

It's been a while since I've been a college student, or any kind of student. But now because I am a student again I can empathize with those of you (my kids!) who are in school. It's hard! I will say that my life is probably a little more complicated being a wife and mother and (supposed) homemaker. I know it's hard to get homework done, to read those chapters, to attend everything you are supposed to attend, etc.

In my theatre appreciation class when I was talking with my instructor, he said he liked the older, non-traditional students because we are more focused on learning. We want to be there. I don't think it makes it any easier though. My flute teacher said to all the music majors in a masterclass that now, this time in your life as a young college student, you will have more time to practice than you ever will again. I remember when I was a freshman music major, I didn't think I had time to practice. I had a social life! Now I realize that I really could have made the time to practice. But I think in music at least, you have to have the passion, the huge desire to be a music major.

I'm not sure I'm there. I hope I can do this.

At least I understand my kids better! If not a better musician, college is making me a better mom.


At 1/22/2007 8:14 PM, Blogger Becca said...

Next blog about a fun thing at college. I want you to be happy.

At 2/03/2007 7:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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