Sunday, February 25, 2007

OOOoooooooo.... klahoma!

Where the winds come sweeping down the plain!

That's where I've been for the past week. In fact when I was leaving church early somebody asked where I was going, and I answered "to Oklahoma!" Meaning of course, "Oklahoma!" the musical, but they thought Oklahoma, the state.

I love working with these high school kids on their plays and musicals. They are so talented and have so much energy and love to share. I feel appreciated for what I do. What do I do, you ask? I do make-up. This time I did makeup on Curly, Aunt Eller, Andrew Carnes, and sometimes Will Parker. I also helped apply mustaches. They hate the spirit gum, and the remover even worse. Thankfully they don't hate me, even though I torture them.

Now it's back to normal life... or as normal as life can be while I'm taking classes and teaching and all that.

It's a good feeling to be busy, to be appreciated and to feel useful.


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