Sunday, September 11, 2005

nine eleven

In remembrance of 9-11 I'm doing a journaling challenge that I read on another website.

1. How did you find out? I was at the church and seminary had just gotten over. Marie got a phone call from her husband saying that an airplane had just crashed into one of the twin towers. I went out to my car and listened to the news on the way home, and then was home watching the news by the time the second plane crashed into the towers.

2. How did it impact you personally?
Little did I know at the time, but one of my high school band buddies was on the second plane. It affected me as any American at first, but then... it became personal.

3. How did you feel watching TV coverage? I was amazed. It was shocking, almost a "this isn't really happening" feeling. It was interesting to be an eyewitness to the events, along with all the other millions of viewers. It was almost like watching a disater movie. But it was REAL. Real people jumping out of buildings. Real people being burned alive. Real people mourning the loss of friends and families.

4. Describe some of the discussions you had with others about the event. The next day in seminary, we had a great discussion about the prededing day's events. Was it a sign of the last days? Was it the beginning of the end? Where those guys who took over the planes crazy or just religiously fanatical? Was it just another day of living in this mixed up world? There were lots of questions, not many answers. We felt unsafe. People said since we live near an army base, a missile command center, that we would be targeted. People were worried that malls, stadiums, and movie theaters would be next on their list. We were proud to be Americans, flying flags at every opportunity. We were worried for a long time, but I think we have gotten back to our normal complancency.

5. What gave you hope? what discouraged you? The positive thing that came out of this was the unity it brought our country. For a very short while, we were all just Americans, not Republicans or Democrats, not Black or White, not English speaking or Spanish speaking, just Americans. It brought me hope that we can get along. But unfortunately, it takes disasters to bring us together. That is what is the discouraging part.


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