I keep getting tagged in the 25 things notes. It first started with a 16 random things note and I should have taken advantage of that before someone upped the ante to 25. Then someone came up with a clever 25 one word answers for those strapped for time I guess. I'll get to that one later.
So here are my 25 random things about me.
1. I love to travel, especially to Europe. I can't decide which place I love more, Italy, Great Britain or Austria/Switzerland/Southern Germany.
2. I don't like mushrooms, mustard or pickles.
3. I need a haircut. I don't know what style to go with though. I'm hating the amount of time it takes to blowdry my long hair now.
4. I love my girlfriends. You know who you are!
5. I really like being in college. I love the atmosphere, the discussions, the learning and even the homework (most of the time, but then I get cool homework assignments like listening to all the Beethoven symphonies).
6. I really like my young college friends who just treat me like one of the guys.
7. I like facebook. I don't think I'm addicted to it in the bad sense. I don't do any of the extra apps. I just like to keep up with people that way. I do check it almost everyday.
8. I like humor. I love a good belly laugh and I don't get enough of those in my life.
9. I have an iPhone and I love it!
10. My children are the best kids in the world!
11. I HATE doing the dishes. And so, obviously, do all of my children. Is that something that can be inherited?
12. I have performance anxiety and am nervous about my recital.
13. I wish I had more time to read. I have so many books on my to read list.
14. Ditto with movies. I love to watch movies and have a lot I want to see.
15. I love to cook but I have to be in the right mood.
16. When I was little my favorite colors were hot pink and purple and I wanted to be an Art Teacher when I grew up.
17. I was born in Gainesville, Florida to an architect father and a freelance artist/stay at home Mom.
18. I think cheese and chocolate are the two best foods on the planet, in their many varieties.
19. I like to make invitations to parties, baby showers and bridal showers. I had fun designing my poster for the recital. Maybe I should go into graphic design?
20. I love how music permeates my home. From the Planets blaring from Josh's speakers this morning to West Side Story from Kristen's computer, to Josh's first notes on his newly taken up instrument the trumpet, to whatever the heck it is that comes out of Bryan's computer. I love hearing music in my home.
21. I like making music too. I'm finally learning to find the music, and to be the music. That's what it takes and sometimes I have it and sometimes I don't.
22. I love teaching. I loved teaching at my church, I love teaching my flute students, I love teaching sectionals and band camps.
23. I think texting is a great way to communicate. I realize some may not agree, but in some ways it's the perfect communication tool, especially if you don't want to interrupt someone with a phone call if you know they'll be busy.
24. I like wearing cute shoes, and I love wearing comfortable heels. Yes, they do exist. But ever since I hurt my lower back/SI joint I'm not supposed to wear heels. It really stinks to have to wear sensible shoes.
25. The best thing about winter is scarves. I love scarves.
Now here's the deal. I'm supposed to tag 25 people on facebook to do the same, but I'm going to let you guys off the hook. Do it if you want. Meanwhile, time to go back to cooking a fantastic pork roast dinner while being serenaded by Joshua's awesome Polly Wolly Doodle skills on the trumpet.