Happy St. Patrick's Day
Today is the day to wear green.
Conversation had in my family today:
J: Hey, Bryan you aren't wearing green. I get to pinch you.
B: You do and I'll punch you!
Ah, brotherly love.
word·sneeze (wûrd snEz) (v. word·sneezed, word·sneez·ing, word·sneez·es) To expel words forcibly from the mouth onto paper in an explosive, spasmodic involuntary action resulting chiefly from irritation of the common senses.
Today is the day to wear green.
I finally found something cool to blog about last week. It was about National Grammar Day, but when I blogged about it, it was several days before. So I saved it and was going to post it on March 4th, the official National Grammar Day. Of course, I forgot. Then my daughter beat to me the punch by posting a link to the site that I had linked to. But I'm going to post it anyway, because grammar is important any day of the week. Especially when you have an essay test and a history paper due in the same week!