Sensible Opera?
"No opera plot can be sensible, for people do not sing when they are feeling sensible."
- W. H. Auden
word·sneeze (wûrd snEz) (v. word·sneezed, word·sneez·ing, word·sneez·es) To expel words forcibly from the mouth onto paper in an explosive, spasmodic involuntary action resulting chiefly from irritation of the common senses.
We were in Hobby Lobby today and they had out Christmas stuff! Holy tinsel, it's only June. Christmas stuff out before school supplies!!! And Kristen could have sworn they were playing Christmas music in the background. What is this overcommercialized holiday coming to ???
I'm trying to find a template that has an easier to read background. Eventually I'll be able to create my own, as soon as I learn all this html garbage. :-) So you'll probably notice some changes...
Some fun websites I've run across...
I found a fun website, Visiting States, that gives you a satisfactory visual of all the states you have visited. I only have 7 states left: Washington, Oregon, Wisconsin, Maine, North Dakota, Alaska and Hawaii. There is also a link for you world travelers.
I suffer from a seemingly common disease called blankiousus... It occurs everytime I open a new blog entry page. I have all these wonderful thoughts floating around in my brain (all that empty space... there's plenty of room to float!) and then when I am faced with a blank page-- BLANK goes my brain.
You know... it's been too long since the last blog if you can't remember your login name and password (and no, it's not the same as my blog name.)