I just want to say that I love my kids. Truly, deeply, unconditionally. I've had a particularly bad day today, and it helps to know that my kids care about me.
word·sneeze (wûrd snEz) (v. word·sneezed, word·sneez·ing, word·sneez·es) To expel words forcibly from the mouth onto paper in an explosive, spasmodic involuntary action resulting chiefly from irritation of the common senses.
I just want to say that I love my kids. Truly, deeply, unconditionally. I've had a particularly bad day today, and it helps to know that my kids care about me.
It has been well established on the blog that I like to read, that I like certain quotes that speak to me and that I like words. I am alone for a couple of days while the boys are on a church trip, and guess what I chosen to do? Clean my house? NOOoooo. READ. Guiltless, don't have to be anywhere, can stay at home in my pj's if I darn well want to, and read.
It's June, right? June 4th? Not too far into the month, and even though it's hot (95 the expected high today) it's still officially Spring. Right? Well, yesterday I stopped dead in my tracks and had to mentally check the date, because right there in the Hobby Lobby I was browsing (yes, browsing, something I'm allowed to do without children or grandchildren or son-in-laws in tow) they had CHRISTMAS Decorations up. What's up with that? It's JUNE for goodness sake. We haven't even hit Christmas in July. Sheesh.